Thursday 3 January 2013

Stepper Motor Connections

►Connecting Unipolar Stepper Motor

There are actually many ways you can interface a stepper motor to your controller, out of them the most used interfaces are:

  1. Interface using L293D - H-Bridge Motor Driver
  2. Interface using ULN2003/2004 - Darlington Arrays

We will dicuss both connection techniques one by one. The above mentioned methods need 4 controller pins for interface.

Connecting Unipolar stepper using L293D

[lightbox=l293d-stepper-big.gif|Stepper motor interfacing using L293D|stepper motor connections][/lightbox]
Please click on the image to enlarge it

As you see in the circuit above the four pins "Controller pin 1",2,3 and 4 will control the motion and direction of the stepper motor according to the step sequece programmed in the controller.

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