Thursday 3 January 2013

Connecting Bipolar Stepper Motor

Connecting Bipolar Stepper Motor

As we have studied that, Bi-polar stepper motors has 2 different coils. The step sequence for Bipolar stepper motor is same as that of unipolar stepper motors. The driving circuit for this require an H-Bridge as it allows the polarity of the power applied to be controlled independently. This can be done as shown in the figure below:

[lightbox=bipolar_stepper_big.gif|Bipolar Stepper Motor connection|stepper motor connections][/lightbox]
Please click on the image to enlarge it

Now we have seen the methods for connecting stepper motors with your microcontroller. So keeping these circuits in mind,we will now look at the programming of microcontroller to control stepper motors. This is discussed in the next section of the tutorial.

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